Dog rides the bus every day all by herself to go to the park

There are a couple of things that dogs’ take very seriously in life, and one of them is their walks.

Yep, if you’ve ever owned a dog yourself you know all it takes is a shake of that leash to have them darting down the hallway, legs akimbo with a look in their eyes so crazed you wouldn’t believe they’d just been on one the day before.

They simply can’t get enough! And as much as we’d love to take them on copious amounts of walkies, the never-ending and ever-growing demands of everyday life prevents that from happening.

In the perfect world, our beloved pooches would be clever enough to take themselves to the park, have a little run around with their pals, and come back just in time for dinner.

Just like Seattle based Labrador and Mastiff mix Eclipse, who has become a bit of a local celebrity after regularly being spotted taking the bus to and from the dog park!

When the local news started reporting on the mysterious bus catching pooch, 2-year-old Eclipse was simply believed to be a savvy stray with a fondness for her local park but, but her owner Jeff Young, soon stepped forward to put the growing speculation to rest.

“All the bus drivers know her. She sits here just like a person does”

According to Jeff, It all began when the pair were making their way to the park one day and Eclispse, who had grown impatient with Jeff who was smoking a cigarette, mounted the bus without him only to be found soon after at the dog park.

Her human was taking too long to finish his cigarette, so when the bus arrived, she got on it

The canine get on the Bus all by herself every day

That’s when the owner realized this smart girl can ride those 3-4 stops on the D line on her own

And it’s clear that she is loved and welcomed by all with her over 78,000 followers on Facebook

King County allows dogs on public transport at the discretion of a driver, and Eclipse makes people smile

Yet, Despite eclipses growing popularity Jeff still gets contacted by good samaritans who assume she’s lost.

The passengers love the novelty of seeing Eclipse on the bus, and so far she hasn’t received any complaints.

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