Family gives their dog a step stool so he could visit his buddies across the wall
Great Danes, Vito and Bambino are the friendliest pair of pooches you’ll ever come across. So when Labrador Giuseppe moved in next door they were more than happy to welcome him to the neighbourhood.
Blessed with height and statue as all Great Danes are, Vito and Bambino had no problem peeking over the fence that separates the two properties to say hello.
Vito and Bambino, the gentle giants
About six months ago, Vito and Bambino got a new neighbor — a chocolate Lab named Giuseppe.
His arrival came as an exciting development for the Danes, but exchanging proper greetings proved to be a challenge.
The wall was just too high for Giuseppe to see over. He wasn’t gifted with the same height and his buddies. Giuseppe’s family agonized with him, watching his constant yet futile attempts to jump up high enough to see his two pals.
That’s when Giuseppe’s parents had a “eureka” moment.
It had finally dawned on Robert, Giuseppe’s dad, that the family had a spare step stool, and perhaps it might just be able to solve Giuseppe’s problem.
So they grabbed the stool, which Giuseppe immediately hooped on top of, and was finally able to see over the wall.
Proud of his work, Carnes grabbed his phone and snapped a picture that he then sent to Vito and Bambino’s mum.
Thankfully, Giuseppe doesn’t always have to use his stool to see his friends.
With the two families often walking the dogs together after developing a friendship of their own after seeing how well their dogs got on.
The boys really enjoy each other,” Tarin said. “It’s super nice having that sort of relationship with our next-door neighbors.” Yes indeed it is, And we’re sure the dogs couldn’t agree more!